Самий життєрадісний гекон

Цей чудовий гекон вміє не тільки радіти життю. Це просто майстер маскування! На перший погляд цього незвичайного звірка нічим не відрізнити від стовбура дерева. Тіло гекона повністю зливається з корою. Фотограф ледве зміг розгледіти забавну тваринку на лоні природи Мадагаскару. Серія фотографій розповідає про життя цього маленького екзотичної тварини.

Фотограф Сем Роулі, студент факультету біології Брістольського університету, зняв гекона під час своєї подорожі на Мадагаскар. Зазвичай гекони днем відпочивають на деревах головою вниз, щоб сонце не відбивалося у них в очах - і їх не помітили хижаки.

Mandatory Credit: Photo by Sam Rowley / Solent News / REX Shutterstock (5145992j) Gecko appearing to grin Gecko appears to be grinning, Nosy Mangabe Island, Africa - Sep 2015 * Full story: https://rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r3uh A sneaky gecko tries to hide itself with camouflage against a tree - only to jump up and do its best impression of Kermit the Frog. The foot-long creature cleverly disguises itself to warn off predators in the shape of Coua birds circling in the tree tops. However, upon realising its veil has been broken, the large gecko soon reveals itself to be a comedy character. Cheekily, it hangs from a branch of the tree before revealing a large grin much like the infamous Muppet creation. Photographer Sam Rowley, a third-year biology student at Bristol University, spotted the gecko on a trip to Nosy Mangabe Island just off the coast of Madagascar in Africa. The 20-year-old Londoner said:

Mandatory Credit: Photo by Sam Rowley / Solent News / REX Shutterstock (5145992a) Gecko appearing to grin Gecko appears to be grinning, Nosy Mangabe Island, Africa - Sep 2015 * Full story: https://rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r3uh A sneaky gecko tries to hide itself with camouflage against a tree - only to jump up and do its best impression of Kermit the Frog. The foot-long creature cleverly disguises itself to warn off predators in the shape of Coua birds circling in the tree tops. However, upon realising its veil has been broken, the large gecko soon reveals itself to be a comedy character. Cheekily, it hangs from a branch of the tree before revealing a large grin much like the infamous Muppet creation. Photographer Sam Rowley, a third-year biology student at Bristol University, spotted the gecko on a trip to Nosy Mangabe Island just off the coast of Madagascar in Africa. The 20-year-old Londoner said:

Mandatory Credit: Photo by Sam Rowley / Solent News / REX Shutterstock (5145992b) Gecko appearing to grin Gecko appears to be grinning, Nosy Mangabe Island, Africa - Sep 2015 * Full story: https://rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r3uh A sneaky gecko tries to hide itself with camouflage against a tree - only to jump up and do its best impression of Kermit the Frog. The foot-long creature cleverly disguises itself to warn off predators in the shape of Coua birds circling in the tree tops. However, upon realising its veil has been broken, the large gecko soon reveals itself to be a comedy character. Cheekily, it hangs from a branch of the tree before revealing a large grin much like the infamous Muppet creation. Photographer Sam Rowley, a third-year biology student at Bristol University, spotted the gecko on a trip to Nosy Mangabe Island just off the coast of Madagascar in Africa. The 20-year-old Londoner said:

Mandatory Credit: Photo by Sam Rowley / Solent News / REX Shutterstock (5145992c) Gecko Gecko appears to be grinning, Nosy Mangabe Island, Africa - Sep 2015 * Full story: https://rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r3uh A sneaky gecko tries to hide itself with camouflage against a tree - only to jump up and do its best impression of Kermit the Frog. The foot-long creature cleverly disguises itself to warn off predators in the shape of Coua birds circling in the tree tops. However, upon realising its veil has been broken, the large gecko soon reveals itself to be a comedy character. Cheekily, it hangs from a branch of the tree before revealing a large grin much like the infamous Muppet creation. Photographer Sam Rowley, a third-year biology student at Bristol University, spotted the gecko on a trip to Nosy Mangabe Island just off the coast of Madagascar in Africa. The 20-year-old Londoner said:

Mandatory Credit: Photo by Sam Rowley / Solent News / REX Shutterstock (5145992e) Gecko camouflaged against a tree Gecko appears to be grinning, Nosy Mangabe Island, Africa - Sep 2015 * Full story: https://rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r3uh A sneaky gecko tries to hide itself with camouflage against a tree - only to jump up and do its best impression of Kermit the Frog. The foot-long creature cleverly disguises itself to warn off predators in the shape of Coua birds circling in the tree tops. However, upon realising its veil has been broken, the large gecko soon reveals itself to be a comedy character. Cheekily, it hangs from a branch of the tree before revealing a large grin much like the infamous Muppet creation. Photographer Sam Rowley, a third-year biology student at Bristol University, spotted the gecko on a trip to Nosy Mangabe Island just off the coast of Madagascar in Africa. The 20-year-old Londoner said:

Mandatory Credit: Photo by Sam Rowley / Solent News / REX Shutterstock (5145992g) Gecko camouflaged against a tree Gecko appears to be grinning, Nosy Mangabe Island, Africa - Sep 2015 * Full story: https://rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r3uh A sneaky gecko tries to hide itself with camouflage against a tree - only to jump up and do its best impression of Kermit the Frog. The foot-long creature cleverly disguises itself to warn off predators in the shape of Coua birds circling in the tree tops. However, upon realising its veil has been broken, the large gecko soon reveals itself to be a comedy character. Cheekily, it hangs from a branch of the tree before revealing a large grin much like the infamous Muppet creation. Photographer Sam Rowley, a third-year biology student at Bristol University, spotted the gecko on a trip to Nosy Mangabe Island just off the coast of Madagascar in Africa. The 20-year-old Londoner said:

Mandatory Credit: Photo by Sam Rowley / Solent News / REX Shutterstock (5145992h) Sam Rowley with the gecko Gecko appears to be grinning, Nosy Mangabe Island, Africa - Sep 2015 * Full story: https://rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r3uh A sneaky gecko tries to hide itself with camouflage against a tree - only to jump up and do its best impression of Kermit the Frog. The foot-long creature cleverly disguises itself to warn off predators in the shape of Coua birds circling in the tree tops. However, upon realising its veil has been broken, the large gecko soon reveals itself to be a comedy character. Cheekily, it hangs from a branch of the tree before revealing a large grin much like the infamous Muppet creation. Photographer Sam Rowley, a third-year biology student at Bristol University, spotted the gecko on a trip to Nosy Mangabe Island just off the coast of Madagascar in Africa. The 20-year-old Londoner said:

Сем Роулі і гекон

Mandatory Credit: Photo by Sam Rowley / Solent News / REX Shutterstock (5145992i) Gecko Gecko appears to be grinning, Nosy Mangabe Island, Africa - Sep 2015 * Full story: https://rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r3uh A sneaky gecko tries to hide itself with camouflage against a tree - only to jump up and do its best impression of Kermit the Frog. The foot-long creature cleverly disguises itself to warn off predators in the shape of Coua birds circling in the tree tops. However, upon realising its veil has been broken, the large gecko soon reveals itself to be a comedy character. Cheekily, it hangs from a branch of the tree before revealing a large grin much like the infamous Muppet creation. Photographer Sam Rowley, a third-year biology student at Bristol University, spotted the gecko on a trip to Nosy Mangabe Island just off the coast of Madagascar in Africa. The 20-year-old Londoner said:

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